hello color!

Branding the event

After some days developing the concept and identity for certifyD, it became evident that the initial red/gray combination was too safe and conventional. Then I thought:

If I am presenting ideas, notions and perspectives towards certification different from the ones discussed in the past, why should I do so with black, red and helvetica? 
​old colors

​old colors


Through the design of the upcoming promotional poster and event materials, the red gave way to a more unified color palette that more closely communicates the idea of two separate opinions coming together to form one new whole. I had to struggle with my built-in designer attraction to red. However, the message and the merger of two elements works best when one color is not overpowering the other; with a more welcoming, approachable and less aggressive look.

Oh red, maybe next time.

​new colors

​new colors

This is how the new color system was finalized. It will become versatile enough to allow contrast and diversity. The colors are alive and clearly distinct—one cold, one warm—just like opinions on certification.
​new color palatte

​new color palatte